How To Format a Number Using Fixed - Point Notation in Javascript?




How To Format a Number Using Fixed - Point Notation in Javascript?

This article goes in detailed on javascript number tofixed() method. I explained simply step by step javascript | number methods | .tofixed(). you'll learn javascript tofixed function. This tutorial will give you simple example of how can i round a number in javascript .tofixed().

In JavaScript, you can format a number using fixed-point notation by using the toFixed() method. The toFixed() method returns a string representation of the number with a specified number of decimal places.

Example 1:

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let num = 1234.56789;

let formattedNum = num.toFixed(2);

console.log(formattedNum); // Output: "1234.57"



In this example, we first declare a variable called `num` and assign it the value of `1234.56789`. We then call the toFixed() method on `num` with an argument of `2`, which specifies that we want two decimal places in our formatted number. The result is assigned to a new variable called `formattedNum`. Finally, we log `formattedNum` to the console, which outputs `"1234.57"`.
