How to Duplicate Values in Python Dictionary?




How to Duplicate Values in Python Dictionary?

Hi Dev,

Today, how to duplicate values in python dictionary is our main topic. I explained simply step by step removing duplicates in dictionary python. it's simple example of remove duplicate values from dict python. This article will give you simple example of remove duplicate values from dictionary python.

There is a way to remove duplicate values from python dictionary. I will give you a very simple example to delete duplicate value in dictionary python . so you can see the following example codes.

Example :

myDictionary = {

"one": 10,

"two": 20,

"three": 10,

"four": 30,

"five": 20,


# Remove Duplicate Values from Dictionary

tempDictionary = {val : key for key, val in myDictionary.items()}

uniqueDictionary = {val : key for key, val in tempDictionary.items()}



{'five': 20, 'four': 30, 'three': 10}
