How to Count Number of Specific Words in Python String?




How to Count Number of Specific Words in Python String?

Hi Dev,

In this tutorial we will go over the demonstration of how to count number of specific words in python string. I’m going to show you about python count specific word in string. it's simple example of how to count specific words in a string python. I explained simply step by step python number of specific words in string. Follow bellow tutorial step of python count number of specific words in string.

In this examples, i will add myString variable with hello string. Then we will use count() function to count number of specific word from string in python. So, without further ado, let's see simple examples: You can use these examples with python3 (Python 3) version.

Python String Count Number of Specific Words

# Declare String Variable

myString = "Hello, This is, This is awesome."

# Count Number of Words from String

numberOfWords = myString.count("This")



