MySQL Where Clause with DATE_FORMAT Query Example




Hi Friends,

I am going to explain you example of MySQL where clause with DATE_FORMAT query example. You will learn how to MySQL where condition date format. I would like date format in MySQL where query. This article will give you simple example of date format in SQL query where clause.

We will use get search how to use date in where clause in MySQL. You can understand a concept of search date format in where clause MySQL. So, we can illustrate the date format in where clause MySQL. I explained simply about MySQL using date in where clause.

You can see both example of how to search MySQL using date in where clause.

Let's see bellow example:

Table: user_payments

Solution SQL Query:



DATE_FORMAT(payment_date,'%m/%d/%Y') as payment_date,


FROM `user_payments`

WHERE DATE_FORMAT(payment_date,'%m/%d/%Y') = '01/04/2022'


I hope it will help you...