How To Sort An Array Of Dates In PHP?




How To Sort An Array Of Dates In PHP?

Hello Friends,

This is example is how to sort an array of dates in php?

We are given an array which consists of multiple dates in (Y-m-d) format. We have to write a program in PHP to sort all the dates present in the array in decreasing order.

So let's start following example.

Example : 1

To sort an array of dates in PHP, the code is as follows.


function compareDate($date1, $date2){

return strtotime($date1) - strtotime($date2);


$dateArray = array("2021-11-11", "2021-10-10","2021-08-10", "2021-09-08");

usort($dateArray, "compareDate");




This will produce the following output?



[0] => 2021-08-10

[1] => 2021-09-08

[2] => 2021-10-10

[3] => 2021-11-11


It will help you....