How To Restore MySQL Database From SQL File Using PHP




How To Restore MySQL Database From SQL File Using PHP

Hi guys,

Today i will explained How To Restore MySQL Database From SQL File Using PHP. This example is so easy to use in php.

This example to i am import to the sql file in file folder and store your all database table field to your new database in sql file through.

So let's start to the example.



$dbHost = 'localhost';

$dbUsername = 'root';

$dbPassword = 'root';

$dbName = 'db_backup';

$filePath = 'files/nicesnippets.sql';

$db = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUsername, $dbPassword, $dbName);

$templine = '';

// Read in entire file

$lines = file($filePath);

$error = '';

foreach ($lines as $line){

// Skip it if it's a comment

if(substr($line, 0, 2) == '--' || $line == ''){



$templine .= $line;

if (substr(trim($line), -1, 1) == ';'){

// Perform the query


$error .= 'Error performing query "<b>' . $templine . '</b>": ' . $db->error . '<br /><br />';


$templine = '';



return !empty($error)?$error:true;


Now you can check your own.

I hope it can help you...

#PHP 8