How to Get First and Last Digit of Number in Python?




How to Get First and Last Digit of Number in Python?

Hi Dev,

Now, let's see the post of getting the first and last digit of the number in the Python tutorial example. This article goes into detail on python gets the first and last digits of a number. I explained simply how to get the first and last digits of a number in Python. We will look at examples of programs to find the first and last digits of a number in Python. Here, Creating a basic example of the first and last digit of a number in Python.

There are several ways to get the first and last digits of a number in Python. I will give you two simple examples to get the last digit from a number. You can see both examples one by one.

Example 1:

number1 = 3568

# Get First Digit from Number

lastDigit = str(number1)[0]

lastDigit = int(lastDigit)

firstDigit = str(number1)[-1]

firstDigit = int(firstDigit)






Example 2:

You can get the first and last digits of a number in Python using simple mathematical operations. Here's an example code:

In this example, we first convert the number to a string using str(num), then extract the first character of the string using indexing [0], and finally convert it back to an integer using int(). This gives us the first digit of the number.

To get the last digit, we use the modulus operator % to get the remainder of the division of num by 10, which is the last digit of num.

num = 12345

# Get the first digit

firstDigit = int(str(num)[0])


# Get the last digit

lastDigit = num % 10




