Sort List Descending in Python Tutorial Example




Sort List Descending in Python Tutorial Example

Hi Dev,

Now, let's see the post of sort list descending in the Python tutorial example. Here you will learn Python sort lists in descending order. We will look at an example of a Python program to sort lists in descending order. In this article, we will implement a sort descending Python list. you will do the following things for how to sort lists descending in Python.

There are several ways to reverse order Python lists. I will give you a simple one example of descending sort with a Python list. we will use the sort() function to sort the list in descending order to the Python list.

Example :

myList = ["Hiren", "Virat", "Anushka", "Murli"]

# python list reverse order




['Virat', 'Murli', 'Hiren', 'Anushka']
