Laravel 9 Install Bootstrap 5 Example Tutorial




Laravel 9 Install Bootstrap 5 Example Tutorial

Now, let's see tutorial of laravel 9 install bootstrap 5. This tutorial will give you simple example of install bootstrap 5 in laravel 9. we will help you to give example of how to use bootstrap in laravel 9. We will look at example of laravel 9 npm install bootstrap 5. Alright, let’s dive into the steps.

If you are beginner with laravel 9 then i am sure i can help you to install bootstrap 5 in laravel 9. it's very simple way to install using laravel ui composer package. laravel ui package add laravel 9 support.

composer require laravel/ui

After successfully install above package then we are ready to install bootstrap 5 with our application.

we can install two way, one is a simple bootstrap 5 setup install and another is install bootstrap 5 with auth. So let's see both way.

Install Bootstrap 5

php artisan ui bootstrap

Install Bootstrap 5 with auth

php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

Now we installed bootstrap, you can see your resource directory js folder.

You also need to install npm and run it. so let's run both command:


npm run dev

Now you can work with your bootstrap 5 app.

It will help you....

#Laravel 9
