Laravel 7/6 Wherein Eloquent Query Example




In this example,I will learn you how to use wherein query in laravel 7/ can simply use to wherein query in your controller.

for example,your table 5 record in 3 record get that define to wherein query in contoller.

Let me tell you that these are part of the query builder. We also know this by the name of eloquent query builder. Wherein the query is used and how I use it, I will try to understand it by example.

Example 1 :


* The attributes that are mass assignable.


* @var array


public function index()


$users = User::wherein('id',[1,2,3])->get();



Example 2 :


* The attributes that are mass assignable.


* @var array


public function index()


$users = DB::table('users')

->whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])




Example 3 :


* The attributes that are mass assignable.


* @var array


public function index()


$myArray = ["rakesh","ravi","mahesh"];

$users = User::wherein('name',$myArray)->get();



It will help you....

#Laravel 7


#Laravel 6