How to Model Disable Primary Key & Auto Increment Tutorial?




How to Model Disable Primary Key & Auto Increment Tutorial?

Hi dev,

In this article, we'll show you how to disable the main key in a Laravel model. I'd like to share laravel model deactivate auto increment with you. I'm going to demonstrate how to remove the main key from a Laravel model. I gave a clear explanation of how to create a Laravel model without a primary key.

Id column was added by default as the primary key through laravel migration, and the model added auto increment. However, how can you make a table's main key and auto-increment key inactive if you don't want to add them? Using model properties, Laravel offers a method to turn off the primary key and auto increment.

We need to set $primaryKey as a "null" value and $incrementing as "false" to disable the primary key. so, let's see the below model example code:



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class City extends Model


use HasFactory;


* The primary key associated with the table.


* @var string


protected $primaryKey = null;


* Disable auto increment value


* @var string


public $incrementing = false;


* Write code on Method


* @return response()


protected $fillable = [

'name', 'state_id'



I hope it can help you...
