How to Import Excel File Records in MySQL Database using Node Js?




How to Import Excel File Records in MySQL Database using Node Js?

Hello Friends,

The Excel file is a spreadsheet file format created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Excel. The Excel file is a spreadsheet file format created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Excel. We will teach how to upload Excel file data to the MySQL database using the Node js

Read, importing and uploading an excel file is a common task in the node js app. So in this tutorial, you will learn how to upload an excel file in the node js app and how to import excel file data into the MySQL database.

Step 1: Create Node Express js App

Execute the following command on the terminal to create the node js app:

mkdir my-app

cd my-app

npm init -y

Step 2: Create Table in MySQL Database

Execute the following SQL query to create a table in your database:

CREATE TABLE `customer` (

`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,

`address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

`age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

`name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,




Step 3: Install Required Packages

Execute the following command on the terminal to express multer, ejs, body-parser, read-excel-file, MySQL dependencies:

npm install express multer body-parser MySQL read-excel-file

body-parser – Node.js request body parsing middleware which parses the incoming request body before your handlers, and makes it available under req.body property. In other words, it simplifies incoming requests.

Read-Excel-File – Read small to medium `*.xlsx` files in a browser or Node.js. Parse to JSON with strict. import readXlsxFile from ‘read–excel–file‘.

Multer – Multer is a node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data , which is primarily used for uploading files. It is written on top of the busboy for maximum efficiency.

MySQL – A node.js driver for MySQL. It is written in JavaScript, does not require compiling, and is 100% MIT licensed.

Step 4: Create Excel File Upload Form

Create a form with a `file input` element that allows us to choose the Excel file and a button to submit the form; So create an index.html file and add the following code into it:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<title>How to Import Excel File Records in MySQL Database using Node Js?</title>

<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">



<h1>How to Import Excel File Records in MySQL Database using Node Js?</h1>

<form action="/uploadfile" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">

<input type="file" name="uploadfile" accept='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/' >

<input type="submit" value="Upload Excel">




Make sure your form must have enctype="multipart/form-data"attribute and the form method should be posted.

Step 5: Create Server.js File

Create server.js file and import express multer body-parser MySQL dependencies in server.js; as shown below:

const express = require('express')

const app = express()

const bodyparser = require('body-parser')

const fs = require('fs');

const readXlsxFile = require('read-excel-file/node');

const mysql = require('mysql')

const multer = require('multer')

const path = require('path')

//use express static folder


// body-parser middleware use



extended: true


// Database connection

const db = mysql.createConnection({

host: "localhost",

user: "root",

password: "",

database: "test"


db.connect(function (err) {

if (err) {

return console.error('error: ' + err.message);


console.log('Connected to the MySQL server.');


// Multer Upload Storage

const storage = multer.diskStorage({

destination: (req, file, cb) => {

cb(null, __basedir + '/uploads/')


filename: (req, file, cb) => {

cb(null, file.fieldname + "-" + + "-" + file.originalname)



const upload = multer({storage: storage});

//! Routes start

//route for Home page

app.get('/', (req, res) => {

res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');


// -> Express Upload RestAPIs'/uploadfile', upload.single("uploadfile"), (req, res) =>{

importExcelData2MySQL(__basedir + '/uploads/' + req.file.filename);



// -> Import Excel Data to MySQL database

function importExcelData2MySQL(filePath){

// File path.

readXlsxFile(filePath).then((rows) => {

// `rows` is an array of rows

// each row being an array of cells.



[ [ 'Id', 'Name', 'Address', 'Age' ],

[ 1, 'john Smith', 'London', 25 ],

[ 2, 'Ahman Johnson', 'New York', 26 ]


// Remove Header ROW


// Open the MySQL connection

db.connect((error) => {

if (error) {


} else {

let query = 'INSERT INTO customer (id, address, name, age) VALUES ?';

connection.query(query, [rows], (error, response) => {

console.log(error || response);


OkPacket {

fieldCount: 0,

affectedRows: 5,

insertId: 0,

serverStatus: 2,

warningCount: 0,

message: '&Records: 5 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0',

protocol41: true,

changedRows: 0








// Create a Server

let server = app.listen(8080, function () {

let host = server.address().address

let port = server.address().port

console.log("App listening at http://%s:%s", host, port)


Step 6: Start App Server

You can use the following command to start node js upload/import Excel file to MySQL database app server:

//run the below command

npm start

After running this command open your browser and hit

I hope it can help you...

#Node JS