How to Count Total Number of Bits in Number?




How to Count Total Number of Bits in Number?

Hi Dev,

This tutorial will give you example of How to Count Total Number of Bits in Number. I’m going to show you about Count total bits in a number. In this article, we will implement a Python in Count set bits in an integer. you can see Counting Bits in Python Example.

python program to count total number of bits in a number; In this tutorial, you will learn how to count total number of bits in the number using Python.

let's see below simple example with output:

Example 1: Simple Python Program to Add Two Numbers

# write a python program to count total number of bits in a number

num = int(input("Please Enter any Number: "))

# use bin () method to get the binary value of a number

# print binary value output will be 0b111101

print ("binary value of {0} is: {1}".format(num, bin(num)))

# store the length of the binary number

length = len(bin(num))

# to get exact length total number of bits

# subtract 2 from the length

length -=2

# print length

print ("total number of bits: ", length)


Please Enter any Number: 13

binary value of 13 is: 0b1101

total number of bits: 4

I hope it can help you...
