Laravel 7/6 Eloquent whereRaw Example




Here, i will show you laravel db raw where clause. step by step explain laravel whereraw example. if you want to see example of laravel whereraw date_format then you are a right place Here you will learn laravel eloquent whereraw. Follow bellow tutorial step of laravel eloquent where db raw.

I will you get to current year and month data in can simply use the whereraw in example.

First of all we will example using Whereraw(), so let's see bellow example:

Example 1:

SQL Query:

"select * from `users` where YEAR(created_at) = ?"

Laravel Query:

public function index()


$users = User::whereRaw('YEAR(created_at) = ?', [date('Y')])->get();



Example 2:

SQL Query:

"select * from `users` where YEAR(created_at) == ? AND MONTH(created_at) == ?"

Laravel Query:

public function index()


$users = User::whereRaw('YEAR(created_at) == ? AND MONTH(created_at) == ?', [date('Y'),date('m')])->get();



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#Laravel 7


#Laravel 6