Installing Vue js on Ubuntu 22.04 Example




Installing Vue js on Ubuntu 22.04 Example

Hi Guys,

This article will give you example of Ubuntu 22.04 on Install Vue js. I would like to share with you Install Vue JS in Ubuntu 22.04. you can understand a concept of How Install and Run Vue Js on Ubuntu 22.04?. I would like to share with you Ways to Install Vue Js On Ubuntu. Let's see bellow example Step by Step Install Vue Js On Ubuntu 22.04.

You can use this post for ubuntu 14.04, ubuntu 16.04, ubuntu 18.4, ubuntu 20.04, ubuntu 21 and ubuntu 22.04 versions.

Use the following steps to install vue js

Step 1 – Update System Packages

Step 2 – Install Node js and NPM

Step 3 – Install Vue.js on Ubuntu 22.04

Step 4 – Create Vue.js Application

Step 5 – Start Vue Js App Server

Step 6 – Test Vue Js App

Step 1: Update System Packages

Run the following command to update system packages:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install build-essential curl

Step 2: Install Node js and NPM

To add a Node.JS repository to the Linux Ubuntu system, run the following command:

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -

Run the following commands on the command line to install node js and npm js:

sudo apt install nodejs

sudo npm install npm@latest -g

Test the npm and node are installed by using the following command:

npm -v

node -v

Step 3: Install Vue.js on Ubuntu 22.04

Execute the following command on command line to install vue js on ubuntu 22.4:

npm install vue@next

Run the following command to create a new project in VueJS:

sudo npm install -g @vue/cli

Step 4: Create Vue.js Application

Create Vue.js application by execute the following command on command line:

vue create tuts-project

Step 5: Start Vue Js App Server

Run the following command to launch the Vue.js application:

cd tuts-project

npm run serve

Step 6: Test Vue Js App

Finally, open browser and hit the URL http://8000
