How to get file extension in Python?




How to get file extension in Python?

Hi Guys,

In this blog, I will learn you how to get file extension in python. we will talk about python get file extension. You can extract the file extension of a filename string using python.

This article will give you example of how to get extention of file using python. Python has a module os.path that has pre-made useful utility functions to manipulate OS file paths. It includes opening, saving and updating, and getting the information from file paths.

In Python, we can extract the file extension using either of the two different example as bellow:

Example 1 :

# import os module

import os

# return filename and extension

fileInfo = os.path.splitext('demo.txt')


# extract extension

extension = fileInfo[1]

print("File Extension: ", extension)


File Extension: txt

Example 2 :

# import pathlib module

import pathlib

# return the file extension

extension = pathlib.Path('demo.html').suffix

print("File Extension: ", extension)


File Extension: html

It will help you....
