How To Find Simple Interest In Python Program?




Hello Friends,

In this blog, I will show you how to calculate simple interest using python. I am going learn you python find simple interest example. We will talk about find simple interest in python.

We will use the simple interest formula Si = (P * R * T)/100 where P is the principle amount, R is the rate of interest, and T is the time period.

Here i will give you two example for how to calculate simple interest using python So let's see below example:


  • P is the principle amount
  • T is the time and
  • R is the rate

si = (P x T x R)/100

Example 1 :

# Python program to find simple interest

p = input("Enter Principal: ")

t = input("Enter Time Period: ")

r = input("Enter Rate Of Interest: ")

# find simple interest

si = (p * t * r)/100

print('The Simple Interest is', si)

Example 2 :

# Python program to find simple interest

def findSimpleInterest(p,t,r):

print('The principal is', p)

print('The time period is', t)

print('The rate of interest is',r)

si = (p * t * r)/100

print('The Simple Interest is', si)

return si

findSimpleInterest(8, 6, 8)

It will help you....
