Form Validation using Jquery Ajax and PHP 8 MySQL




Form Validation using Jquery Ajax and PHP 8 MySQL

Hello dev,

Now, let's see post of Form validation using jquery ajax and PHP 8 MYSQL. you can see PHP 8 MySQL Form Validation With Ajax Example. you will learn PHP 8 Ajax Form Submit with Validation Example. if you have question about Dynamic Ajax Form Validation in PHP 8 & MySQL then I will give simple example with solution. So, let's follow few step to create example of PHP 8 Ajax Post Request Example.

We will use get simple PHP Mysql Form Validation using Ajax.

So, let's see bellow solution:


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">

<title>Form validation using jquery ajax and PHP 8 MYSQL</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-9usAa10IRO0HhonpyAIVpjrylPvoDwiPUiKdWk5t3PyolY1cOd4DSE0Ga+ri4AuTroPR5aQvXU9xC6qOPnzFeg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />

<script src=""></script>


.success span {

color: green;


span.error {

color: red;


i {

font-weight: 900;

font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';





<div class="container p-5">

<div class="col-lg-12">

<div class="card w-75 m-auto">

<div class="card-header text-center bg-danger text-white">

<h4>Form validation using jquery ajax and PHP 8 MYSQL -</h4>


<div class="card-body">

<div id="message"></div>

<form method="POST" id="myform">

<div class="row">

<div class="form-group col-md-6">

<label for="user1"><strong>Username :</strong><span class="text-danger"> *</span></label>

<input type="text" name="username" id="username" class="form-control">

<span class="error" id="username_err"> </span>


<div class="form-group col-md-6">

<label for="user1"><strong>Email : </strong><span class="text-danger"> *</span></label>

<input type="email" name="email" id="email" class="form-control">

<span class="error" id="email_err"> </span>


<div class="form-group col-md-12">

<label for="mob"><strong>Mobile : </strong><span class="text-danger"> *</span></label>

<input type="text" name="mobile" id="mobile" class="form-control">

<span class="error" id="mobile_err"> </span>


<div class="form-group col-md-12">

<label for="password"><strong>Password : </strong><span class="text-danger"> *</span></label>

<div class="input-group">

<input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="form-control">

<div class="input-group-append">

<span class="input-group-text" onclick="password_show_hide();">

<i class="fas fa-eye" id="show_eye"></i>

<i class="fas fa-eye-slash d-none" id="hide_eye"></i>




<span class="error" id="password_err"> </span>


<div class="form-group col-md-12">

<label for="conpassword"><strong>Confirm Password : </strong><span class="text-danger"> *</span></label>

<input type="password" name="cpass" id="cpassword" class="form-control">

<span class="error" id="cpassword_err"> </span>


<div class="col-md-12 d-flex justify-content-center">

<button type="button" id="submitbtn" class="btn btn-success ">Submit</button>








<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function () {

$('#username').on('input', function () {



$('#email').on('input', function () {



$('#password').on('input', function () {



$('#cpassword').on('input', function () {



$('#mobile').on('input', function () {



$('#submitbtn').click(function () {

if (!checkuser() && !checkemail() && !checkmobile() && !checkpass() && !checkcpass()) {


$("#message").html('<div class="alert alert-warning">Please fill all required field</div>');

} else if (!checkuser() || !checkemail() || !checkmobile() || !checkpass() || !checkcpass()) {

$("#message").html('<div class="alert alert-warning">Please fill all required field</div>');



else {



var form = $('#myform')[0];

var data = new FormData(form);


type: "POST",

url: "process.php",

data: data,

processData: false,

contentType: false,

cache: false,

async: false,

beforeSend: function () {

$('#submitbtn').html('<i class="fa-solid fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>');

$('#submitbtn').attr("disabled", true);

$('#submitbtn').css({ "border-radius": "50%" });


success: function (data) {



complete: function () {

setTimeout(function () {



$('#submitbtn').attr("disabled", false);

$('#submitbtn').css({ "border-radius": "4px" });

}, 200);






function checkuser() {

var pattern = /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/;

var user = $('#username').val();

var validuser = pattern.test(user);

if (user == '') {

$('#username_err').html('Username Field is required');

return false;

}else if ($('#username').val().length < 4) {

$('#username_err').html('Username length is too short');

return false;

} else if (!validuser) {

$('#username_err').html('Username should be a-z ,A-Z only');

return false;

} else {


return true;



function checkemail() {

var pattern1 = /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/;

var email = $('#email').val();

var validemail = pattern1.test(email);

if (email == "") {

$('#email_err').html('Email field is required');

return false;

} else if (!validemail) {

$('#email_err').html('Invalid Email');

return false;

} else {


return true;



function checkpass() {


var pattern2 = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[!@#$%^&*])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$/;

var pass = $('#password').val();

var validpass = pattern2.test(pass);

if (pass == "") {

$('#password_err').html('Password field is required');

return false;

} else if (!validpass) {

$('#password_err').html('Minimum 5 and upto 15 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character:');

return false;

} else {


return true;



function checkcpass() {

var pass = $('#password').val();

var cpass = $('#cpassword').val();

if (cpass == "") {

$('#cpassword_err').html('Confirm Password field is required');

return false;

} else if (pass !== cpass) {

$('#cpassword_err').html('Confirm Password did not match');

return false;

} else {


return true;



function checkmobile() {

var mobile = $("#mobile").val();

if (mobile == '') {

$("#mobile_err").html("Mobile filed is required");

return false;

}else if (!$.isNumeric(mobile)) {

$("#mobile_err").html("only number is allowed");

return false;

} else if (mobile.length != 10) {

$("#mobile_err").html("Only Valide 10 digit");

return false;


else {


return true;



function password_show_hide() {


var x = document.getElementById("password");

var show_eye = document.getElementById("show_eye");

var hide_eye = document.getElementById("hide_eye");


if (x.type === "password") {

x.type = "text"; = "none"; = "block";

} else {

x.type = "password"; = "block"; = "none";








$con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "demos");

if (!$con) {

echo "connection error";


$name = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['username']));

$email = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['email']));

$pass = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['password']));

$mobile = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['mobile']));

if (empty($name) || empty($email) || empty($pass) || empty($mobile)) {

echo '<div class="alert alert-success">Please fill all required field</div>';

}else {

$sql = "insert into users(username,email,password,mobile) values ('$name','$email','$pass','$mobile')";

if ($res = mysqli_query($con, $sql)) {

echo '<div class="alert alert-success">Data Successfully Inserted</div>';

}else {

echo '<div class="alert alert-warning">Data Not Inserted</div>';





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#PHP 8